Living in a Pandemic: Five Things I have learnt in 2020 (Opinions)
- I have learned that the saying “every cloud has a silver lining” couldn’t be more true. While I miss travel and the luxury of hotels and eating out, the blessing of spending time with my family is priceless.
- In some ways we are even closer than ever to those further away – I have a family ZOOM call every week and connect with siblings across Canada that I used to see only once or twice a year.
- Communication is key. There are many ways to stay connected during times of distance. From a quick text to a long phone call…. reaching out to those who are isolated has never been more important!!
- I have learned that adapting under times of change is so important for continued success – both personally and professionally- and to have a positive impact on mental health. From me providing medical lectures online instead of in person to my daughter taking both dance and singing lessons online, I learned that there is always a solution when we are faced with life’s challenges.
- Most importantly I have learned that we can never take anything for granted again. A simple trip to the store, a night out with friends, or a dream vacation with family – these things should all be appreciated each and every day.
1.You are responsible for your own happiness
2.Life is supposed to be fun. Don’t be so serious
3.No one is thinking about you as mush as you think they are. Eat the cake
4.Dogs don’t live long enough
5.Find your feelings and your thoughts will follow. If you feel good, keep going, if you feel bad then adjust the sail.
During this pandemic, lots of thoughts have gone through my mind. For me, it started after Marchbreak. When I was told, I could not go back to the office until it was safe. This was exciting; I did not have to commute 1.5 hrs.One way to work. Then after a week, it gradually began to sink in. I have three kids that are going to school from my dining
table. My mini office was not set up for hours of working from home. So many changes had to be madeto make everyone in my household comfortable. I had to create a private space for each person so wecould work comfortably for long hours.
With all these changes, I have been moody, depressed, and now I have accepted these changes for what
it is after over six months. We have all be able to form a routine that works for us. Everyone now has alittle corner in the house that is theirs. Hopefully, we have become a closer family for it.
For me, I have learnt that I am much stronger than I give myself credit. I am also very resilient and can
adapt to every situation.
2020 has been quite the year, a year that personally started with excitement and optimism but quickly changed into fear and uncertainty. In the midst of this pandemic, there has been time to really reflect on what really matters in life. I have learned so much about myself as well as what really matters…
1) Health is wealth! I think this is obvious especially after the year we have had with this pandemic. There is nothing in this world more important than our health. Without it nothing else matters.
2) Enjoy every little moment with those you love. This pandemic has taught me that life is really short, no matter what your age, life can easily be taken away and what matters is the moments and memories that are made with those that we love.
3) The world has so many places that I want to experience. Being trapped in our homes has really made me recognize my excitement and NEED for travel. Quarantine has made me draft a list of all of the countries that I want to visit. Travelling really opens your eyes to how beautiful this world is and I want to get right on an airplane when this is all over.
4) Teachers are amazing!!! This is an understatement. There was a period of time that my children were doing online learning and I was juggling trying to teach two of them. Teaching children, keeping them engaged and interested without getting easily frustrated is an absolute feat and I give my full respect and gratitude to all of the teachers out there!
5) Do not hold grudges. Again this goes back to life is too short. All this does is add stress and unhappiness in your life and is a continuous distraction. I have learned to let things go (which was previously very hard for me to do) and to not let upset affect me. Nothing is worth the stress!
At the end of every year, I like to reflect on the events of the year, the good, bad and the ugly. Although I cannot remember all that happened to me this year, I do remember life changing events that affected me and the life lessons that came with it.
2020 taught me to leave my self doubts at the door and follow my dreams. After all, not everyone who had dreams was able to fulfill those dreams this year. As someone who always doubts herself, because of the current climate, I took a big leap and put myself out there in my career and my relationships.
I learnt that it is ok to do things differently, all my ducks don’t have to line up in a row. Like many parents around the world, I had to learn to homeschool my 3 kids when Covid-19 hit us early in the year. I had to cancel outdoor sports, have less contacts with friends, spend more time with family, and more importantly, find comfort in my own company.
2020 also thought me the importance of slowing things down. I am constantly reminded that life doesn’t have to be a mad rush, otherwise one can easily get lost in the hustle and bustle of life. Before the lockdown, my life was a very busy one, sometimes I felt like 24 hours was never enough. But these days, I take it slow. I enjoy the moments rather than rush through it. I stop and smell the roses.
Finally, I have learnt to be be thankful for what I have because I can loose it in the twinkle of an eye. I am also glad that this year gave me the opportunity to untangle myself and hold space for myself.