Coping in a toxic work environment if you really need the job
There are many people who have jobs that they don’t enjoy because the activities they have to engage daily don’t inspire them or make them feel motivated. This is a common issue that many workers all over the world experience day after day.
The issue is when the job is not satisfying, but on top of that, the working environment becomes toxic. This creates a very difficult situation that can become unbearable for anyone who is working on a job they don’t like.
Today, we are going to give you some important information on how you can cope in a toxic work environment. This is going to help you handle the situation with a better mindset.
What are the signs that you are dealing with a toxic work environment?
Before you can start dealing with a toxic environment, you need to start by recognizing the signs that define this type of situation. There are 3 important signs to look out for when you are trying to define if you are working in an environment that has become toxic.
1. Your opinion is not valued
It doesn’t matter what kind of position you hold in a business, you should always be able to have a voice and to express your opinion. When you are working in a toxic environment, you are likely to see that opinions are not only not requested, but they are heavily discouraged.
2. There is bullying
Any time that an employee is bullied by another employee within a working environment this should be cause for concern. When someone works in a toxic environment, any abusive behavior is going to happen without any consequence for those who are behaving in a way that is considered wrong.
3. There is no balance between your personal life and work
When you are working in a toxic environment, you are likely to be asked to work more hours than you should and in some cases, to work those extra hours without proper remuneration.
Those 3 signs of a toxic environment are very commonly seen in many offices. The main concern when this happens is that people are going to feel more discouraged and unhappy, but sometimes they need to stay in the job they have due to a lack of options.
This is the moment when coping in a toxic environment becomes extremely important. We are going to share some important tips that you need to learn to make your experience more bearable.
Tip 1 – Focus on your work
Sometimes the best way to handle a toxic work environment is to simply focus on work and to pretend that nothing around you is even happening. Your interactions with other people in your workplace should be kept to a minimum and they should be 100% about work. This is a great way to make time go by faster at the office. Even if you don’t like your job, being focused on your daily tasks is going to be extremely helpful to get you through each day.
Tip 2 – Avoid gossiping
Never allow people to get you involved in any type of gossip about other coworkers or about the management. You have no idea how much drama you will be able to avoid if you don’t get involved in this type of conversations with other people. Gossip has always been the fastest way to create a toxic environment, so make sure that you do not become entangled in this type of situation.
Tip 3 – Start searching for a better job
There is no reason for you to stay in a difficult situation any longer than you should. The one thing you should always keep in mind is that this sort of situation can be easy to handle as long as you are taking the time to look for a better job. The search alone is going to keep you motivated and you will have more patience when dealing with your current job.
We do advise that you do this quietly and that you avoid letting anyone in your office know you are looking for another job. If you are working under a specific contract, you need to wait it out, but there is no reason for you not to look at your options in the mean time.
Tip 4 – Don’t let anyone push your buttons
One of the biggest problems with a toxic work environment is that you may ruin into a supervisor or a boss that tries to push your buttons to make you angry. The best way to make sure that you leave this toxic environment on a high note is not to allow them to fire you for reacting to their behavior.
Tip 5 – Try to seek likeminded individuals at work
When you are dealing with a toxic work environment, it’s very likely that other coworkers are also going to be unhappy with the way things are going. Keep that type of coworker close and start an alliance to help each other get through this situation with the best possible outcome.
If the office has a very small workforce and you feel that everyone else contributes to the toxicity, you should avoid any unnecessary interactions.
Tip 6 – Keep your work issues away from social media
One of the biggest mistakes people make when they have a toxic job is that they start to complain about it on social media. It’s always important to avoid this as you may have friends in common with your employers and with anyone in your office.
This is why we recommend that you avoid any social media comments unless you want to be dealing with any unnecessary drama. Remember that the last thing you want to do is give your employers an excuse to fire you.
Final thoughts
Working in a toxic environment is never a fun situation for anyone, but the way you decide to handle this is going to be very important. Keep in mind that any situation like his can be turned into something positive as long as you are able to handle it gracefully.