Do not be discouraged by the distance you have to travel. Instead, appreciate, How many” life miles” you have covered. Your struggles have changed you into a stronger and better person. Don’t let anyone dissuade you from blooming into the person you are meant to be. Keep walking. – Dodinsky
As the jingles bells fade and the festive mood is dissipated. We are hoping to get back to a semblance of normalcy because of the availability of vaccines. Life as we know it will never be the same because of this pandemic but we can use this opportunity to learn some life lessons instead of letting the pandemic wear us down.
Ontario declared a state of emergency on the 14th of January which will last for 28 days , so technically will last till Valentine’s Day
We will be celebrating Valentine’s day this February and it is also Black History Month. As a woman of color the significance of this month is not lost on me. It reminds me of all the struggles black people have endured for centuries in trying to maintain their dignity in all aspects of their lives.
Even though it is black history month we are acknowledging the contributions and achievements of everyone from all backgrounds especially those who contributed directly to the enhancement of the black community.
This month in Women Sphere we are bringing you some stories of brave African women like Margret Ekpo , Funmilayo Ransome Kuti and Winnie Mandela. We will also be featuring a Canadian Nigerian Plastic Surgeon who went from a small town girl to become the Head of the Division of Plastic Surgery at Southlake Regional Health Center in NewMarket Ontario Canada.
We will be sharing some real life stories of women from Prof. Kyla Gutsche , gourmet dishes from our sexy chef and also tips on Valentine’s day gifts you can share with your loved ones.
Valentine’s day is one the highest day of spending for jewellery , chocolate and flowers .. This year will be different because of Covid . We have some tips on how you can enjoy Valentine’s day staycation style and still make it special.
So much to absorb and process so relax and enjoy our thoughts on love , success as we educate and entertain you with our incredible articles on luxury living, exotic holiday destinations and of course trends in the fashion and beauty world.
Enjoy and expand your sphere of influence.
Uju Ukpeh